Company Listings for Tea
in Beverages

DeCoty Coffee, Tea & Spices
- 1920 Austin St., San Angelo, TX 76903
- (325) 655-5607
- Headquartered in San Angelo, Texas, DeCoty is the Southwest’s most diversified coffee roaster and distributor. DeCoty specializes in the roasting of premium quality coffees and the blending &...
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Fanale Drinks
- 631 Hwy 90 Alt, Missouri City, TX 77489
- (310) 218-7920
- We are an all-in-one beverage and dessert wholesale supplier and manufacturer, offering an extensive range of products for the bubble tea/boba tea specialty beverage industry and shaved...
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Phillips Food Service
- 3000 East Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78219
- (210) 227-2397
- Phillips Food Service is a family owned wholesale foodservice distributor that has been in business since 1945. Our products and services touch a vast array of industries that include...
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Hiland Dairy
- 830 E. Primrose, Springfield, MO 65807
- (417) 862-9311
- For over 85 years, the Hiland brand has been synonymous with high quality products,freshness, and great taste. Hiland Dairy is headquartered in Springfield, MO, and operates 19 plants and 64...
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